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  • Where do I start?
    All patients begin with an initial private session with Dr. Cassone. This includes patients interested in the Acupuncture Plan. You can schedule your appointment online or by calling the office number. Office: 951-693-9355 SCHEDULE NOW
  • What can I expect during my initial appointment with Dr. Cassone?
    The initial appointment is to review the chief complaint, medical history, and signs and symptoms related to presentation. Dr. Cassone will take notes on your onset, current medications, and what treatments or evaluations, including labs, that you already have. After listening to you, he will do a complete intake asking many questions related to different parts of your physiology. The goal is to treat the root cause. Additional Considerations: All appointments are Telemedicine and scheduled at Pacific Standard Time. Once you schedule your appointment, our system will send you a confirmation email and a link to the Telemedicine video. This allows you to set up your device prior to your appointment. We suggest having the appointment in a private quiet environment to avoid disruption. Sessions are 60 minutes in length depending on the complexity of the condition. Based on your appointment, Dr. Cassone will make a prescription that may include a customized herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, and/or diet and lifestyle modification.
  • Do you run labs?
    Yes, but only if needed. Most doctors run labs to manage liability not to explore the root cause. Most "functional doctors" run labs to sell supplements. Ideally, if a doctor has clinical experience, an understanding of the presentation, and has ruled out red flags, then treatment can begin without unnecessary lab costs. Lab values are biomarkers that can be useful in guiding treatment strategy. However, most root causes are subclinical (will not show up on a lab). Other important biomarkers include signs and symptoms, history, physical examination, and most importantly an understanding of physiology and pathophysiology (what systems can explain a presentation). When there are features to a case that need further investigation, including red flags, then patients are referred out for labs, advanced diagnostics, or emergency care if needed.
  • How much will all this cost?
    Fees are clear and visible. We do not have any hidden costs, inflated tests or examination gimmicks. We do not have a sales pitch aside from quality care. Expect to pay for an initial session with Dr. Cassone ($135) and customized herbal or clinical nutrition prescriptions. We do not load up patients with any unnecessary products but cost depends on treatment strategy. Most patients spend approximately $100-165 a month during the therapeutic phase (before reducing). Email follow up is at no extra cost. Concierge Medicine subscription is suggested for additional support through education plus provides reduced rates for follow up sessions if needed. The Acupuncture Plan (local patients only) includes Concierge Medicine.
  • What is the Cassone Wellness App?
    The Cassone Wellness App can be found in the Android and iOS app stores. It is the best way to stay connected to the practice, take online courses, participate in groups, watch educational videos, and get updates.
  • How do I sign up for the Acupuncture Plan?
    Our Clinical Director, Kelly Cassone, will send you a follow up email after your initial session with Dr. Cassone. You will be asked if you want the Acupuncture Plan and can respond by email. She manages enrollments and cancellations by email.
  • Do I have to join the Acupuncture Plan?
    No. If you have already had your initial session with Dr. Cassone, and were prescribed acupuncture, you can get acupuncture treatments. Without the plan, the cost is $75 per treatment
  • Can I start acupuncture without seeing Dr. Cassone?
    No. New patients must see Dr. Cassone before starting acupuncture. However, your first acupuncture treatment is at no charge. Returning patients are able to make acupuncture appointments directly.
  • What is the Concierge Medicine Subscription?
    In addition to excellence in patient care, our mission is to educate people in holistic care concepts to empower self-care and family care, Concierge Medicine subscription includes: Reduced Fees for Dr. Cassone's Telemedicine Sessions, Reduced Fees for Kelly Cassone's Telemedicine Sessions, Shopping on App (free shipping on one order per month), Full Access to Course Library, Private Discussion Groups, Daily Posts, Articles, Live Meet Ups, and Videos. For patients not under our care you can still become a subscriber and have access to: Full Access to Course Library, Private Discussion Groups, Daily Posts, Articles, Live Meet Ups, and Videos. Come in as a patient. Stay to learn. JOIN HERE
  • Do you take insurance?
    No. Unfortunately, insurance pays providers very little while requiring a massive amount of labor costs for paperwork. Taking insurance would drive our rates up significantly. We have chosen to keep our rates low to meet the needs of our patient base. Many patients tell us that their co-pay is higher than our rates. Patients receive itemized receipts and can pursue reimbursement if possible.
  • Can I Subscribe without being a patient?
    Yes. Keep in mind, you will not receive medical advice in the live meet ups or group discussions. If you need patient care, we suggest you start as a patient and schedule an initial appointment with Dr. Cassone.
  • How do I get my prescriptions?
    After your initial appointment with Dr. Cassone, a three week supply of your prescription will be shipped to you (Southern California patients can pick up their prescriptions in the office lobby, ready the following business day by noon).
  • How do I restock my prescription?
    Subscribers can easily order directly from the Cassone Wellness App (Android and iOS). Orders can also be placed through our website. Access to our online shopping section can be found in the Members area (you will need the password from Kelly Cassone, Clinical Director). Alternatively, orders can be placed by emailing
  • How long do I need to take my prescription?
    Each patient is different. It is important to take your prescriptions as prescribed so that adjustments can be made as needed. The goal during the therapeutic phase is to see clear and significant improvements. Once the improvements stabilize, then the prescriptions can be reduced (as long as symptoms do not return). The ultimate goal is to have the least amount of prescriptions, acupuncture, and/or dietary restrictions for maintenance. For some, that means no more prescriptions. For others, there may be a maintenance schedule.
  • Where do I start the RESET Food Plan?
    We suggest starting the RESET Food Plan online course found in the Members area of the website and on the Cassone Wellness App (Android & iOS). Alternatively, the plan can be viewed online HERE.
  • How long do I have to follow the RESET Food Plan?
    This depends on the complexity of your condition. Patients with chronic conditions or excess weight gain will need to follow it for a longer period of time before modifying the restrictions. It is important to focus on the initial 3 weeks without deviation and then evaluate how you feel at that time. It is not uncommon for patients to feel greatly improved and then stay on RESET for an entire year for deeper and longer lasting health benefits. The reality is that our food supply is not great. Stick to RESET until you have reached your health goals, then you can see what you can eat without going backwards.
  • Are beans allowed?
    No. Beans, in general, have too many carbohydrates plus additional gastrointestinal irritating factors. The exception is hummus (made from garbanzo beans) because it is typically consumed in small amounts as a dip for veggies.
  • Is dairy allowed?
    Cheese is allowed but milk is not. The reason is that milk contains lactose (milk sugar) and cheese does not (mozzarella contains a very small amount). Cheese is mainly fat and protein. The benefit is that it is very satiating and can curb a craving by consuming a small amount (especially sharp cheese). Keep in mind, it is a heavy food, can be constipating, and should be eaten in small amounts. If you know you have a sensitivity to cheese specifically, then don't eat it.
  • Can I eat Sweet Potato or Yam on RESET?
    No. We need to lower the carbohydrate intake for a therapeutic shift. As the physiology improves, restrictions can be decreased.
  • What is the difference between PALEO, KETO, CARNIVORE, and the RESET Food Plan?
  • Is there a vegetarian or vegan option of the RESET Food Plan?
    Yes. Since the main focus of treatment is blood sugar stability and GI tract health, we can also accomplish this by counting total daily net carbohydrate intake and eliminating the most irritating food for the gut (domestic wheat). lower total net carb intake to below 80 grams daily eliminate products with domestic wheat
  • Do I need CLEANSE or can I use other protein powders?
    CLEANSE is a specific detoxification formula and not replaceable with retailed smoothie powders. However, not everyone needs it. CLEANSE is more important for participants with stubborn chronic conditions, autoimmune issues, or excess weight to lose (more than 30 pounds). If you feel that you do not need CLEANSE then you can use alternate protein powders as a smoothie base as long as they are very low in carbohydrates (less than 5 grams net per serving). We also carry a whey protein and a collagen protein that both come in chocolate and vanilla.
  • Are food portions measured or weighed?
    No. It has been our experience (over many years of practice plus owning a gym for 20 years) that many people can become obsessive about numbers if they are trained to focus on them which makes for an abnormal and stressful relationship with food. Instead, RESET is focusing on retraining the appestat (the part of the brain that regulates cravings vs satiation). When cravings are reduced internally, there is no need to count. Many participants will find themselves eating more initially but as their bodies adjust food intake naturally reduces without effort. Note: vegetarian and vegan participants count their net daily carbohydrate intake starting at <80 grams.
  • Can participants skip phases and go from Introduction to phase IV for maintenance?
    Yes. The RESET Introduction is the basics of the plan. It can be followed for as long as needed based on improvements. Many participants follow the Introductory section and then review phase IV to reduce restrictions for maintenance. The phases are a pathway for those needing more therapeutic strategies for chronic conditions, autoimmune issues, or excess weight loss (more than 30 pounds). The phases lead up to fasting strategies at a safe and effective pace. While going through the phases, based on improvements and health goals, participants decide at the end of each course if they need to go to the next phase, repeat the current phase, or return to a prior phase. The phases separate RESET from a fad diet. It is a flexible corrective food strategy that can be reduced when it is no longer needed.
  • Does RESET lower cholesterol?
    Yes and no. Unfortunately, cholesterol fear has been pushed without solid evidence of its relationship to heart disease and stroke. There are many MDs, PhDs, and, especially interesting, cardiologists speaking out against the false war on high cholesterol. Simply put, managing cholesterol numbers offers a false sense of security as heart attack and stroke patients do not all have high cholesterol. There are many risk factors to consider besides cholesterol numbers. Elevated insulin and vascular inflammation are both much more dangerous regarding heart disease and stroke and RESET addresses these legitimate areas of concern effectively. RESET is not a high fat diet but fat intake is not restricted (it will naturally go down as cravings go down plus the phases that include fasting radically improve fat and carb management internally which positively changes blood fats). For some participants, cholesterol levels may go up initially and then go down as the body adjusts. For most, cholesterol goes down. If you are concerned about cholesterol, then make an appointment with Dr. Cassone to discuss risk factors for heart disease and stroke that are specific to you.
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